Sunday, July 16, 2006

The last two hours...

Down to my last two hours as a teenager. I've always felt birthdays were special. Some people don't really bother with them, and that's fine and dandy. But I'm always going to do plan something for each birthday I have. What's not special about getting a year older? Twelve months may not seem like much, but considering that's 365 days that you've had to change and to grow, it's something that deserves special recognition. If anything, your birthday is your chance to toast to another year of accomplishing things you didn't accomplish the previous age.

Being 19, admittedly, was not one of my best ages. I felt like I regressed rather than progressed. Yet on the brink of turning 20, I feel I know and understand myself far more than I did when I turned 19. I have a stronger idea of where my feelings come from and why, and I'm anxious to further my boundaries and continue pushing my limits.

On that note, let me say this- having your power shut off and not returning for 14 hours in the middle of summer is not pleasant. It was miserable, to say the least.


1 comment:

Haunted Lez said...

I'm glad you decided to get a blog! hahaha...i will put up a link to your blog on mine. It will be grand. As for your happy b-day wishes, I will leave them on myspace. Tata.