Saturday, August 12, 2006

Didn't feel so perfect.

Under normal circumstances, I would be kicking myself for completely going against what I said I wouldn't do.

But these aren't normal circumstances. So in this case, I figure 'what the hell?' Go out with your balls out and we'll see what comes of this.

Last night Kristen, Matthew and I rendezvous'ed over at Pei Wei for dinner. After eating we walked around the shopping center, and WHO of all people did we walk right by?




That was unbelievably awkward, hilarious though because we were just talking about his dirty skank ass. He said hi to Kristen, to which Matthew replied "Why the hell would you say hi to us?" Amusing, absolutely.

Afterwards we went to Wal-Mart in Canyon Country, and....I got lost. Matthew bought cubbies for his shoes while Kristen and I made fun of him over it. Matthew took Kristen home, and I followed him back to his house, but we ended up going out AGAIN to meet his friends Paul and Martha at BJ's.

All in all an entertaining evening, albeit one of interesting outcomes. Still not sure how I feel about it, but I won't get my nickers in a twist. Enjoy it for now and let it go where it goes, I suppose.

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