Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Well, it's finally November. I can't believe how quickly 2007 has passed by; then again that's exactly what I thought about 2006 and 2005, so I suppose that's just the way life is. Still, it only seems like the other day when we were partying and ringing in the new year at Annie's house...while Sean Lay was puking his guts out in her bathroom...and then a month and a half later I met Brandon and everything changed. I know it sounds cliche to say that he changed my life, but he really did. Looking back at how I felt, how I thought a year before that, I can see a complete difference. I don't know, I just feel more...peaceful, maybe? Maybe more at ease with myself? I don't know exactly what it is, but I like the way I feel now more than before.

So this Saturday will be one year since my aunt passed away. The past few days I've been thinking a lot about it, about how crazy everything was this exact time last year, and I think it just adds to the feeling that things have changed and gone for the better, knowing that even though it still hurts my family has learned to recover and to grow from all of this. The other night at dinner my mom was talking about the day she died and how she found out about it, so obviously she's healed a lot since she's able to talk about it now. Everything always works out, and we just have to keep reminding ourselves that.

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