Sunday, September 30, 2007


Last day of September, and tomorrow begins yet another crazy October. I always get so busy in October, but it's all in good fun.

So it's been a fun weekend. Ended up not going to Vegas, but I've had four days off work and school and believe me, it's been much needed. Let's re-cap--

Work, then out for sushi with Brandon and Brittany, then over to Brittany's with Stephanie and Candice to watch America's Next Top Model and Ghost Hunters, and we got to meet Brittany's cousins.
Went to lunch and cruised the mall and Barnes & Noble with my grandparents, then read a bit of my new Marie Antoinette book before going to Brittany's house with Brandon to pick up Kenna and Tory from the airport.
Ran some errands, picked up Brandon and we lunched at the Abbey Lane cafe over in Stevenson Ranch- very good, very nice little place. It's my second favorite now in SCV after Wild Thyme. Then Brandon got called into work for a couple of hours, so I went and got Brittany and then we picked him up from work and went to Odyssey Night at Magic Mt. It was pretty fun...Brandon and I held hands around the park, hehe. I've always wanted to just walk around and hold my boyfriend's hand and not think anything of it, so I'm glad that he didn't care for just one night. Sadly there was some tension when we met up with Tamara and a couple of her friends. But oh well, I guess it just shows her true colors and that Brittany doesn't need someone who's all over the place and confused.
Brandon and I got up very early to go to this street art fair in Newhall so he could get extra credit for his art class. It was cool, and I even participated in some of the drawing. Then we took my brother to his bowling practice, where Brandon got to meet my grandparents. After we dropped him at home, we went to Brittany's where there was a big family party going on, which are always fun. Then took Pappas and Brandon to work, then came back and we watched The Lion King in the motorhome. Afterwards we did some sidewalk chalk drawing, which was hilarious. Especially because of Bob's remarks about me and the porn hopscotch I drew. Oh goodness. Then we all went for some drinks at Friday's and it was a lot of fun.

I am doing laundry, catching up on some school reading, and being laaaazy. I'm sad I have to go back to work tomorrow.

That's it for now.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Maybe I need sleep.

I am so tired that I think it's causing my mind to run into overdrive. There's just so much that I'm thinking about. Everything from school and work and family to friends and Brandon.

School: School is stressful. Aaarrrrggghhhh. But oh well, I like school.

Work: Work is stressful. Aaaarrrrggghhhh. I hate how much sleep I lose because of this job.

Family: I wish I could spend more time with my mom. I feel like she hasn't been terribly happy lately, for some reason. I wish I could see if this is true. And I miss my grandparents so much...even though I saw them yesterday. I just miss seeing them every single day when I was younger and living with them. When they're around I feel like I can be a kid and they'll baby me and sometimes it's nice to be babied.

Friends: I love my friends to death. But for a while now I feel like I am looking for different things than a lot of them. It's really weird, that pretty much since I've turned 21 I have had little interest in drinking or partying, and I know most of my friends aren't out of control and I don't look down upon any of them, but I'm realizing more and more that it's just not my thing. Obviously I've gotten fairly drunk a few times recently and it's been in good fun, but the thing is I only want to keep it to a few times here and there. I can't do every weekend go to a party and throw back some drinks. I can't. And I'm not interested in hanging out somewhere where everyone's drunk and partying and I'm just not in the mood for it. I haven't been in the mood for it. I'd rather sit around and talk, laugh, or go out and play sports, or watch movies. I feel really torn about things because I want to enjoy being 21 and having fun, but I feel like I just want to do it in different ways, and not many people that I have in my life are into that as much as I am.

Brandon: I love him, and I'm happy with him, and there's nothing wrong there. Just sometimes I wonder if we're on the same page in terms of what we want out of each other. And this isn't the first time this thought has come up, so I know it's not something I can shake off but it's not something I should bring out when the past couple weeks it's been going so smoothly between us. I just have to continue thinking about why this keeps coming up and thinking about what it is I'm really looking for.

I wish I could sleep right now.