Monday, April 30, 2007

End of April.

It is the last day of April, which means...we are just THAT much closer to summer. Just have to get through May and then it will be June, and life is always pretty damn good in the summertime.

Seriously, when I think about it, summer is always good for me. Even if not much else went right during previous years, I always can say that summer went well. Let's reflect...

2002: This was unquestionably the best summer of my life. Previously, it was the summer of 1998, which was the summer I graduated from sixth grade and basically spent every day with my cousins. But summer 2002 lives on as "that summer". Every day hanging out at either Brittany's house or Annie's house, we were old enough to drive but not old enough to get jobs yet, hahaha. So many awesome memories from that summer.

2003: I remember in one of my old Livejournal entries from this time, I mentioned that summer '03 wasn't terribly exciting. But now that I look back, it actually was a fun summer. Did another stint spotlighting for SCCMT, which was always fun, summer school was shockingly better than I thought. Oh and "Pirates of the Caribbean" came out, which I saw FIVE times in the theaters. Nothing major might have happened, but it was still fun.

2004: Summer 2004 was the ultimate summer- the summer after high school. It was the summer of the Posse, we were completely inseperable. It was the summer I turned 18, which (at the time) was a pretty big deal, and it was my first trip to Hawaii. Which ended up being the best vacation I've ever been on. If 2002 was the best summer, and 1998 was originally the best summer, then 2004 comes in third.

2005: Like 2003, I remember thinking when it was over that summer 2005 was kind of boring. But recently I was hanging out with Leslie, and we both agreed that summer 2005 was actually a great summer. Lauren and Leslie had moved into their apartment, which provided the ultimate hang-out for the Posse. I had started hanging out with Brittany and that whole group again- we had a kick ass Fourth of July barbecue. Stephanie and I started being friends that summer. Stephanie, AJ, Brent, Melissa and myself all hung out a lot. I had my awesome 19th birthday party at my house- definitely the best party I've had. My grandparents' 50th anniversary was the weekend after that, and the weekend after THAT I went to Vegas with my parents and the twins. So it was definitely a great summer.

2006: As of right now, I don't look back on 2006 as a good year. Started off with the discovery of my aunt's tumor in February, losing my job in May, being broke and jobless for the first half of the summer, then recovering slightly in the fall only to get worse when my aunt died in November, and then a couple financial problems along the way. But summer was actually not that bad. Even if I didn't have a job until July and didn't have much money to spend as a result, it was actually nice to be kind of lazy. Also, my summer school class with Alyse and Lauren ended up being kind of fun, and though the barbecue I had at my house turned into me getting frustrated and angry with my siblings, it was still nice to have a bunch of my friends together. And my 20th birthday dinner at BJ's was fun also. So back to my original point- even if the entire year was overall crappy, summer is still a rather bright spot.

It looks like this summer should be another good one. It's already going well- I finally have a relationship that is going just awesome. I'll be turning 21, and I'm looking forward to having an awesome time with my friends and my boyfriend.

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