Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Valentine's Day

So tomorrow is Valentine's Day, which really isn't that big of a deal to me. First of all, I've never been dating someone on Valentine's Day (Brandon and I met about a week after last year's Valentine's Day), so I can't really say it's something I "miss". I don't flat-out hate it either. I'm just kind of indifferent to it. Brittany and I are hanging out tomorrow night with some friends, so I don't mind Valentine's Day when I get to have a good time with people. I think that's more productive than just sitting around talking about how much it sucks. Valentine's Day only sucks if you let it get to you. All the same, even if I was dating someone I don't think Valentine's Day would be that big of a deal for me, unless it was a special day like an anniversary. My parents got married on Valentine's Day, so to them it's always going to be a special day and I'm happy for them because of that. But if I did have a boyfriend, I'd rather celebrate a day that's special to us instead of Valentine's Day which everyone says we're SUPPOSED to celebrate when in reality I could give a shit.

I don't know. I guess I'm just as guilty of jumping on the bandwagon because I'm talking about it, but really I'm not in either camp of the I hate/I love Valentine's Day battle. I just don't care either way.

In any case, I'm certainly not going to let this day make me feel like crap. So I'm single, so I've been nursing a broken heart for the past two months. Happens to everyone at some point (or multiple points) in their lives. I'm no exception, so to me it's just going to be another day.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Thank God...

for last night. I realized how badly I needed a night like last night, to just hang out with a group of friends and act stupid and just have a good time. Vincenzo's was a blast, and then we all went to Jon's and hung out. I played all of Aladdin on Super Nintendo in about 20 minutes- everyone thought it was funny that I beat it so fast- and then we watched "Superbad", and then me, Kenna, Annie and Pappas had a dance-off which was quite hilarious. Overall, a good night. Really glad I got the chance to do that, because I really did need it. I've been so down and out lately. I'm glad I'm going back to school tomorrow, because I know keeping busy with that instead of just working and then sitting around doing nothing when I'm not at work will help take my mind off of everything that's been bothering me. So hopefully things will start getting better in the next month or so.